Monday, December 31, 2018

Alton Coleman

May 1984- Alton Coleman was a crazy nigger from Waukegan, Illinois. Which is close to Milwaukee and part of Chicago minus being a black ass nigger he is from a shit area. He would of had a better chance at life
if he grew up in Africa. Or in a zoo flinging his feces at like minded negros. Look at that fucking hair cut. He must of been watching Michael Jackson videos at that age to grow a  mop like that. He probably watched Michael videos on one of the many TVs he stole from normal families. White ones.
  Alton was pooped out onto planet earth  November 6th, 1955. His mother  apparently worked 3 jobs. But Alton grew up with his grandmother. So either the three jobs is a lie or the three jobs were hooker, drug taker, and welfare recipient. I am guessing the later is the correct one. I have no concrete evidence on it minus the fact they are niggers which is close enough. Coleman was often teased by his piers as a child as he pissed his pants. Wearing a little bit of the nigger cologne is normal for these folk I thought. His nick name growing up was "Pissy".
  Coleman was diagnosed with mixed personality disorder which any sane person knows is a made up fake disease like bi polar. He should of used the fact that he is a nigger to his defence. And the crimes that I tell you that he committed are fucking horrific to say the least.
  With all great men come a great woman. In Alton's case his love interest or real bitch not "just some hoe on the side" was Debrah Brown. A mentally challenged nigger sow. She helped Alton with his crimes. I am guessing she couldn't resist his cool hair and the fact that he smelt like BO and had the breath fresh like a KFC on 2 dollar tuesday.
  Debrah was born November 11th, 1962. Debrah was claimed to have low IQ scores of 59-70 but that is like Einstein like for a negro.
  Altons first crime occurred in Kenosha, Wisconsin. He murdered 9 year old Vernita Wheat. Coleman was trying to play the mack move on the little niglets mother. Coleman raped and strangled the little girl. Her body was found near Coleman's grandmothers house decomposing.  The next day Coleman decided he already went this nigger far and befriended a man name Robert Carpenter.  He spent the night at Carpenter's home then took his car and never returned it. That is a black thing to do. In June Alton went with his genius of a girlfriend to Gary, Indiana that be a niggerish community.  They found 2 young girls a nine year old and a seven year old. They sexually assaulted them and killed them. One of the niglets names was Tamika. Must be white pffft. The same day they also kdnapped a 25 year old woman. They dumped her body in Detroit. So she basically went from being murdered in a niggershit community to being found dumped in one.
  At the end of June Coleman and Brown went and entered the home of Mr and Mrs. Palmer- Jones in Deerborn Heights, Michigan. They severly beat them and then stole their money and car. These people sounded to have some shit must be white folks.
  On July 5th Coleman and Brown arrived in Toledo, Ohio. Coleman befriended a woman named Virginia Temple. Several children single and black just taking a stab in the dark here but I am guessing all the children have different last names and most of the fathers are in prison or dead. Coleman and Brown killed Virginia temple and her eldest child a nine year old named Rochelle. Their bodies were discovered in a crawl space, in the home which I am assuming the government paid for.
  Coleman went to another home the same day this of Mr and Mrs  Duvendeck in Toledo beat the couple and tied them up with electric cords. They stole money, watches, and of course their car.. They then went to Dayton and went to the home of a Reverend. Coleman and Brown accompanied them to a religious service and then got dropped off in Cincinnati.

On July 12th the FBI added Coleman to its most wanted list. Which is the same day Coleman murdered a 15 year old girl. Coleman left Cincinnati and went back to the reverends house who recognized him due to the fact his black mug was all over the TV.
Debrah Brown
Look she grows steel wool on that nappy head. When other inmates give her a swirly she is also used as a barillo pad for the shitter.
Arrest and Conviction
  On July 20th Coleman and Brown were arrested in Evanston, Illinois. Coleman was spotted by someother nigger that grew up in his hood. The man went to a payphone and called the pigs on Coleman.
  Coleman and Brown were sentenced to death.  Eventually Brown had her death sentence commuted to life in prison.
  Brown and Coleman typical stupid niggers. At one crime they wrote on the wall in lipstick "I hate niggers, death". Hoping to throw investigators off to not thinking it is them doing the crime. Funny the murder victim that they wrote that above was the only white person they killed.
Coleman getting ready to ride the watermelon rapids to the the big KFC welfare office in the sky.

  Coleman and Brown's crime spree went on for 2 months and left 8 people dead. Coleman had a typical nigger crime rap sheet before he met Brown a long one. Longer than the line ups at KFC on welfare day. Coleman claimed to ba a pan sexual meaning that he would fuck anything. Aren't all niggers that. I have never seen a black person not willing to fuck anyone or anything. I once 10 years ago caught a nigger fucking a vending machine. I shit you not it was fucking hilarious.

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