Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Funny Pictures 10

This is what Kim Jung of North Korea needs to do instead of labor camps for punishment. Have you live around smelly niglets for a few months. I would prefer the hard labor camp for many years. I am willing to bet that Chung Lee there bought those junior apes those shirts with his Beijing Gardens profits. I hope he didn't bring them anyfood. Niglets deserve to eat cow shit. As a matter of fact some of the rice at his restaurant may have more body fat on in than most Ethiopians. Weighs more too unless they are soaked in flies. Go help the kids in your own country. These kids can get help from their dads...................Oh yeah dad be a pirate. Black Black Beard. He will lose to Peter AIDS.

No wonder liberals are so angry. The people that support them are ugly fucking pigs. Conservatives = Hot and attractive. Liberals =Ugly and chilling. The liberal women are threatened by Conservatives Beauty and brains.

It is what liberals want in white countries.

I also know it is fake because the negro there isn't stealing something.

Areas with Niggers and towel heads are un safe areas. Why would the magazine be called racist. I am willing to bet the white woman that condemned that would not dare walk alone in those areas.

And this is how school shootings happen. I wonder why he was picked on and has no friends?

Yes white people are racist they farmed and invented food to feed your fat nigger ass. Your weight is due to the white people. You are ugly because of the white people, you smell like dog crap because of white people. Your welfare cheque is so low because of white people. You can't remember all your kids names because of white people. You have AIDS because of white people. Fucking fat nigger. Also how could any sane rational person at attendance there not MOOO at that fat creature?

Build the Wall

July 31/2019 
The US needs a wall between its border and Mexico. Israel has a wall, Spain has a wall, Even Mexico has a wall with the south. I bet if Obama said build the wall Liberals would support it. Fuck they are so stupid.

Sorry Manuel No Entree Compadre.
They only kill and rape other citizens. Since the people who want them here sit on their ass and watch CNN all day and never leave their house. CNN said they were good people that should make them okay right?

It is probably because in the US they get welfare faster than REAL Americans. They will die on welfare just like their children or until the US goes bankrupt from all the welfare given to them. Also why not move to the US? more and better stuff to steal. Also you can commit crime and get sent to jail which is probably better than the shithole they lived in in Mexico or whatever scum of life country they are from. They aren't proud Mexicans or Hispanics. If they were PROUD they would go back and life there. They did not come to the US for a better life or opportunity they came to use the system. Cut the welfare for immigrants most if not all would leave.
No fucking Comprende just kill the fucking Mexican.

Make it as miserable as possible for Jose and his family to want to come over and leach off the system. Treat them so rudely that they turn around and go back.

And in America they have these places called food banks. Your fat ass can get all the food you want for free on top of your welfare. Remember in the US and A being a fucking lard ass is considered a disability. Although sometimes hereditary, Your problem I believe is ramming your face full of doughnuts for the last few decades. And in other news Krispy Kreme just opened up 4 new restaurants around her hut.

John Esposito and Alicia Woodward

  Which one is the female in this photo here? It is hard to tell some times better to not even know. The one on the left isn't much of a man anyway. His name is John Esposito. No friends and just a full out loser.
  These two went on a crime spree killing 3 elderly people. And they did it all for cash. Pure blood fucking killers in my mind. It would of been so easy to just steal the money from the old people with out having to kill them.
Esposito and Woodward were both from Pemberton Township, New Jersey. And they met when Esposito went into the pet store where she worked. He probably wanted to rape puppies.

Lola Davis 90 years old. Espostio bludgeoned her to death. On September 19th, 1996 Esposito and Woodward kidnapped Lola Davis from a grocery store parking lot. In Cumberland, North Carolina. They drove her in her car 5 hours away before taking her into a hayfield and killing her. They ditched the car in Alabama and Esposito being the Einstein that he is left his fingerprints all over the thing and his DNA on a cigarette butt at the scene.
Lawerence and Marguarite Snider 91 and 86- These were Esposito and Woodwards second and third victims. They kidnapped them in Oklahoma, City Oklahoma. They stole money from their bank with the ATM card drove out to Texas and Esposito beat them to death with a tire iron.

The two ended up getting busted in a park in Colorado for illegally shooting a BB gun.

Sentencing- Alicia Woodward is sentenced to life in prison and John Esposito got the death penalty. Yet since 2000 is still breathing our air sitting on Georgia's death row. Investigators also believed that these 2 would of kept killing until they got caught. They described Esposito as the worst of the worst. Esposito also bitched that death by electric chair is cruel and unusual punishment. Well so is beating some defenceless old man with a tire iron. He should die the same way as his victims.

Looks pretty homely there Big Bertha could be her cell mate and give her strap on love every night.

Newark Problems


Jersey's finest we must put more people who are minorities in with the police force
  This dune coon that looks like Theo Huxtabul is being charged with sexual assault.http://nj1015.com/elizabeth-rookie-cop-charged-with-sexual-assault/?fbclid=IwAR3TOTQc8ZZxqJzKc8bHDcKBuGeg7AC5KgNO9M92cG192DSjNTgEEwoH1uo
The police are racist and are always trying to bring a brother down. They hired him just to bust his black ass. That is what Jesse Jackscoon will say.
New Ark, New Jersey. All I think about when I think of Jersey is the Sopranos and those whores and fags on Jersey Shore.

The buck above killed his wife and has been on the run since 2014. Maybe he was upset because the Nets moved over to Brooklyn. Or she forgot watermelon and the grocery store. No grape kool aid he is a pissed negro. He has a shinny thick ape skull. More Here

Monday, February 25, 2019

UK Invaders

Fuck they are so ugly. If they want population control of whites send those women over. They look like male animals.