Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Adam Abdi

Adam Abdi
January 2018- One of Trudeaus sons. He is probably gay too. A gay muslim is Justin's dream child. He probably faps off to that shit all day long. Justin will destroy Canada (like he has done already) He will have a Pedo day for sick fucks too. He is a puppet of the JEW!

It keeps saying he is from Brampton but I doubt it. He was probably born in Somalia. The media will hide it. If he was born in Canada deport his whole race.
Toronto: Random shooter of 7 is likely Muslim, cops say “We haven’t been able to determine any motive whatsoever”
Liberals really are this stupid Islam has no place in the western world. PERIOD.
The victims deserve better, but in Canada, as in many quarters all over the West, Islam’s image must be protected at all costs, and that is the first and foremost priority that all authorities must pursue. The victims’ rights and well-being can go hang, as far as the authorities are concerned.

  I have came up with no better conclusion but to BAN ISLAM PERIOD IN CANADA. No one wants it here. Why do they come here? Oh yeah thats right they suck and so does their shitty culture. They claim to hate white Christians but flock to live around us in droves. It would suck though to look in the mirror and realize that you look and smell like a piece of shit that comes out of your asshole.

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