Fort Myers

Lake Wales
That negro or what ever it is when into walmart with its uniform and was armed and stole shit from them. LINK
Chatham County
South Bend
A nigger cop in South Bend, Indiana was charged for theft after switching price tags at a Walmart LINK
Fort Myers
King Kong and Donkey Kong pictured above stole $10,000 worth of electronics from a Fort Myers Nig Mart. Mainly Ipads and Apple Watches, LINK You would literally need a harpoon gun to take down these Shamus. All I can say is MOOOOOO
When stealing hover boards from the Fort Myers Walmart always wear your life jacket. Fuck this store gets jacked alot. LINK She jacked 44 hover boards and darted out of the garden center. A negro around garden supplies is a red flag. They don't farm and are too lazy to upkeep a garden or flowers. And only taking 4 hover boards? What about her other 10 niglets with no father involved.
These 13 year olds stole an SUV from the Fort Myers walmart parking lot. LINK In all reality it was probably one of their parents that one of the niggers above had already stolen. Just stealing their stuff back.
Lake Wales
One groid faked a heart attack. While people and staff were assissting him the other buck wheeled a cart full of toys out of the store. Alot of Barbie toys probably for him. LINK One barbie toy was one of them power wheel ones. Now Dante have a ride.
That negro or what ever it is when into walmart with its uniform and was armed and stole shit from them. LINK
Carts are for fucking pussies. May as well get some excercise while I steal these TV's. Just walk right out the fucking door. Paying for items is for stupid people. LINK
I just walked into walmart to fill out a job application and someone misplaced a TV in a box in the store. So I took it in a cart to return it to them. LINK
Jerome now we have to figure out how to steal cable and we can watch ourselves on TV stealing these TV's LINK
Chatham County
I am not getting no fucking jobs. Jobs are racist and for white people. I will just steal TVs. LINK
These bucks stole $31,000 woth of Ipads from a St Louis suburb Walmart. And then hopped off in a Chey Impala LINK
Josephvon Johnson has all these niggers black asses beat on here. Instead of going to the store and stealing shit for home. Bring the fucking store to your crib. Josephvon stole a fucking Wal Mart Trailer. LINK
South Bend
A nigger cop in South Bend, Indiana was charged for theft after switching price tags at a Walmart LINK
Big Rapids
This fellow isn't that big of a theif. He only stole one TV. LINK That is very thoughtful of him
he left TVs for other people to steal.
Wood River
These niggers in Wood River, Missouri jacked at least 10 ipads with out paying. Oh well it's whiteys shit who cares. The witnessess say they believe they were "Black Individuals" https://www.riverbender.com/articles/details/wood-river-police-seeking-publics-assistance-for-walmart-theft-25035.cfmNebraska
New York
Frodo there seems to be struggling with this TV. He should of stuck to something smaller. Now we can legitimately get disability as his back probably hurts. LINK
New York
We all know that most negro bucks father alot of niglet offspring. Most bucks never see their kids let alone provide for them. This negro may be one of the first. He stole $10,000 worth of baby formula from a Wal Mart in New York LINK He could be stealing it to sell also. As a gift for likes of Shaniqua and Sha Nay Nay right before he is going to cornhole their fat asses. A gift to butter them up for some other bucks niglet.
Carson City
North Carolina
Batter up. GI Joe Maguire here used a baseball bat to steal a TV from walmart. It is unknown if he made it home on time to catch the third inning.
Carson City
This fat four eyed fuck is a little resourceful. Before going to steal his desired item he went to the tool department. There he "borrowed" a crow bar. He attempted to pry open a glass casing which it doesn't say but one can assume it had guns. This was in Carson City, Nevada LINK Nice faggot jean jacket also.
North Carolina
Batter up. GI Joe Maguire here used a baseball bat to steal a TV from walmart. It is unknown if he made it home on time to catch the third inning.
Bernie Mack there is wanted for stealing over a dozen TVs from the Farfax Walmart. He also stole a bag of cat food. LINK
This 17 year old in Ohio brandished a BB gun and stole smokes. LINK
South Carolina
Hey Yo Jamal we be watching The Jeffersons in style tonight gibs me hand with dis here TV
Ah fuck Shaniqua iz be comin
This couple got caught stealing 57 bricks of cheese from a Walmart in Chatanooga. Judging by the one on the rights mulitple chins I am guessing her boyfriend on the left never got to have any of the chesse. Fatty McGee probably ate it all on him LINK
These groid in Dallas are quite clever. They hid 39 i pods in that filing cabinet box. They paid for the filing cabinet though. Probably with welfare money. That groid on the right should of at least stole a belt. LINKThese teenapers loaded over $2,000 worth of cell phones in backpacks LINK
This buck stole that TV there. He appears to be having some difficult with it. He probably had issues juggling it on the bike he is about to steal. Should of stuck to a smaller thing like an Ipod. LINK
San Antonio
I thought the check outs were outside the store. LINK No English Burrito Burrito Selena Gomez
Off to the pawn shop so I can get money for crack. Good thing I had my hood over my head in the store it doesn't make me look suspicious or anything LINK
Chesterfield County
Help catch the Black Marty McFly and his bitch. They were stealing hover boards in Chesterfield County LINK They also stole a Segway and a karaoke speaker.
Off to the pawn shop so I can get money for crack. Good thing I had my hood over my head in the store it doesn't make me look suspicious or anything LINK
Chesterfield County
Help catch the Black Marty McFly and his bitch. They were stealing hover boards in Chesterfield County LINK They also stole a Segway and a karaoke speaker.
Why steal 1 TV when I can steal 2. LINK
The Fat Sows Posse
West Virginia
Fucking Meth Heads. In West Virginia. Looking at them you would think they would be red flagged upon entery of the store. LINK
He is dry land trainning for a marathon. Not really he stole I pods from this walmart in Princeton, West Virginia. It is a good thing that most people that work at walmart that bust you for stealing are old and fat. LINKWisconsin
These crack heads stole 90 cans of baby formula. Niggers don't feed their kids can baby formula be used to make drugs? They should of stole a comb at least. LINK
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