Friday, January 29, 2016

Kendall Francois

There are no black serial killers. Says the little nigger bitch as she gets upset as little white girls are better looking than she is. Per capita and population blacks are more likely to be serial killers than whites. You can read on it here. Lets throw race under the ringer here. Lets be civil although this pig here was a nigger and took advantage of white women. This is Kendall Francois. Most women in Poughkeepsie, New York call him stinky. But he is a nigger and remember this is the same town where Snookie from Jersey Shore is so standards cant be that high here. He was apparently use to these hookers and rough during sex. These women must of known you fuck a nigger you will get burned eventually.

Kendall Francois (July 26th. 1971-Sept 11th 2014) He was convicted of killing eight women. He died in prison when he was sentenced to life. He was HIV positive. But he is a nigger all niggers are HIV positive.
He stored the women's dead bodies in his attic in the house that he shared with his parents and sister. The smell of all the other shit in the house was so foul that they could not figure out there were dead bodies in there, Francois was a large groid. He was like Robo Nigger.

Gina Barone: 29 Known prostitute and drug addict. What a good looking girl until the drugs hit her. It is too bad no one got to her soon enough. She was a mother.
Wendy Meyers: 30 
Kathleen Hurley: 47 
Catherine Marsh: 31 Was killed 2 days after he killed Gina Barone.
Sandra Jean French: 51 a mother of three. Reported missing from the small town of Dover just 20 miles east of Poughkeepsie.
Mary Healy Glaccone: 29
Catina Newmaster: 25
Audrey Pugliese: 34
  • Kendall Francois lived with his parents and sister the house was apparently so gross that even the smell of decaying bodies upstairs left no signs.
  • Francois was a wrestler and football player in high school
Kendall Francois died of natural causes on September 11th. 2014. Natural Causes to a nigger I always assumed was a drive by or AIDS.

Wake the fuck up and ditch the PC Bull shit

Research has determined that  African American serial killers are rare.Serial killings are usually committed by white males. 
Niggers are more likely to be serial killers its in their monkey blood.

  Francois parents and sister deny that they had any knowledge of his killings. I believe them. They are stupid niggers and don't know any better. I really believe they are telling the truth. It isn't hard to fool a nigger. I really think they had no idea what was going on. As for the smell? They probably thought it was just them.



  1. My new favorite blog. Keep em coming bro! Lmfao

    1. I will try just been busy lately. I will have some more up in the next coming weeks

  2. You smell like wet dogs and have head lice. Your on meth and can see your veins through your pasty skin.

  3. Bahahah, omg! I LOVE this blog! I'm dying here lololol!


    1. It was not even worth it. As if the fallacies were not enough, this supposed anti-PC brigade is based on getting wet off of using racial slurs, not having any ounce of factual evidence to back oneself up.
