Why the fuck would you want to act like you are a nigger? Niggers don't even want to be niggers. This scum is lower than niggers.

Justin Timberfag
IF THEY are male they are likely to be wearing shorts 15 sizes too large that barely grip their hips. Their hair might be shaved close to the scalp in a style called 'butt-fade'. The girls prefer boiler-suits, probably with one shoulder-strap left undone, perhaps with a little padding in the seat. These are white teenagers in America and they have one common goal: to act and look black.
Now I know why the doughnut shop closed in town I always blamed it on the cops. Ladies he is single I imagine. He probably has a chance with Rosie Odonell still.
How many hairs do you think this kid has on his balls. His parents must be mentally retarded.

Justin Timberfag
IF THEY are male they are likely to be wearing shorts 15 sizes too large that barely grip their hips. Their hair might be shaved close to the scalp in a style called 'butt-fade'. The girls prefer boiler-suits, probably with one shoulder-strap left undone, perhaps with a little padding in the seat. These are white teenagers in America and they have one common goal: to act and look black.
They are a disparate group, some taking their quest as far as exclusively dating blacks and immersing themselves in African-American history while others just buy the requisite gear. They have attracted a social label that some are happy to espouse and others not at all. They are the 'wiggers', the new class of white blacks, and they may be the pop culture trend of the Nineties.
The wigger uniform of baggy shorts and T-shirts, usually accompanied by a cap worn backwards or at a cocky tilt and basketball shoes, can be found modelled by kids in shopping malls across the country - especially those in well-to-do, white neighbourhoods. The clothes are also dominating the back-to-school racks this month in K-Mart and Gap. And then there is the music all wiggers listen to and buy: the black urban street-beat of hip-hop and rap. MORE
Those other 2 homos on the outside look like native chugs to me. You must watch out for these guys on the playground they are crazy mother fuckers. I heard one of them skipped school once and had a sip of beer. Now thats flat out gangster.=============================
This is probably Justin Bieber's grade 4 picture. That shirt I bet was actually white and then his over weight mother threw it in with her over sized pink panties.
----------------------------------------------Now I know why the doughnut shop closed in town I always blamed it on the cops. Ladies he is single I imagine. He probably has a chance with Rosie Odonell still.
How many hairs do you think this kid has on his balls. His parents must be mentally retarded.
Look at that cool trailer back there that one probably lives with in his mom. NOW that be gangster. Word.
I bet niggers laugh at these guys. If niggers laugh laugh at you you are lower than shit of a dog shit.
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