Saturday, September 15, 2018

Toronto Problems


Above is a school in Toronto. Guess who is paying for it? YOU. So one of those niglets can rape your daughter and or put a gun in your face for $20 bucks in the future when you are walking out of the CN Tower. They will be all high from smoking crack with Rob's brother Doug Ford. Some liberal probably took that picture there to make idiots think they are learning. Even if they could read all it would say is kill white people, steal, it is there fault we are stupid and poor. Fuck them for giving us a free 3 bedroom house we should of got a mansion, ect.........

It is happening in Stockholm, Oslo, London, and Helsinki and more why not Canada. Muslim rape gangs.


This groid got shot down outside a mall in 2017. John Paul. He was monkeying around with some other groids in a parking lot. He doesn't know how to wear a hat properly so I doubting the ape knows how to tie its own shoes (that it probably stole).

We got us another one where and what do we do with it?


Buckwheat down here shot 3 other parasites. That is a good thing he shot them. The bad thing is innocent people HUMANS, REAL CANADIANS are around

Abdulkadir Handule, 22, of Toronto HE or IT is not of Toronto. With that name it is from a shithole coutry. Abdul is a fucking leach. A wart on societies dick. He looks and smells like feces.This piece of shit could of hurt a REAL Canadian. Instead he shot a rapper GOOD. Some other MUSLIM good. He shot and killed rapper SMOKE DAWG. GOOD. Smoke dawg got smoked. We can sleep better at night knowing that. I just wish the groids wouldn't do this in public. This isn't fucking Mogadishu. Worst thing is these monkeys think this behaviour is cool.


Toronto public school board guide pushes Muslim greetings during morning announcements and other intrusions

While public school students all across Canada typically learn about the world’s major religions at some point during their studies, one school board’s guidebook on Islam is edging close to religious instruction and indoctrination.
The Toronto District School Board designates a number of heritage months throughout the year and October is Islamic Heritage Month. A 170-page guidebook prepared for teachers recommends a variety of religious intrusions into the public school system.
A list of announcements it suggests be read before or after the playing of O Canada include the Muslim greeting “As-salamu alaykum” (peace be upon you) and an invitation to visit a local mosque.
Children are encouraged to use paper cut-outs to construct replicas of famous mosques around the world.
One assignment for students includes writing an article about one of 12 Muslim Canadians, four of whom are Liberal politicians currently in office, including Ontario Attorney General Yasir Naqvi.
These would all be done within the classroom and during school time. They’re also not to be restricted just to October because, as the guidebook notes, “the goal is to embed this learning within every classroom, across the curriculum, and throughout the school year.”
The guide doesn’t keep its focus solely on historical and scriptural matters, either. It delves into a variety of contemporary social issues, but in a way that glosses over widely known controversies surrounding the faith.
It says that, while women sit at the back or a different section of the mosque during prayers, “Islam never considered where women and men perform their prayer in terms of gender superiority/inferiority, and as such, it should not be perceived in this way.” There is no mention of the second-class treatment Muslim women suffer in the name of the faith in countries, such as Saudi Arabia. More

I only had a couple beers.
Hmmmmmmmm Immigrants maybe?

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