Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Build the Wall

July 31/2019 
The US needs a wall between its border and Mexico. Israel has a wall, Spain has a wall, Even Mexico has a wall with the south. I bet if Obama said build the wall Liberals would support it. Fuck they are so stupid.

Sorry Manuel No Entree Compadre.
They only kill and rape other citizens. Since the people who want them here sit on their ass and watch CNN all day and never leave their house. CNN said they were good people that should make them okay right?

It is probably because in the US they get welfare faster than REAL Americans. They will die on welfare just like their children or until the US goes bankrupt from all the welfare given to them. Also why not move to the US? more and better stuff to steal. Also you can commit crime and get sent to jail which is probably better than the shithole they lived in in Mexico or whatever scum of life country they are from. They aren't proud Mexicans or Hispanics. If they were PROUD they would go back and life there. They did not come to the US for a better life or opportunity they came to use the system. Cut the welfare for immigrants most if not all would leave.
No fucking Comprende just kill the fucking Mexican.

Make it as miserable as possible for Jose and his family to want to come over and leach off the system. Treat them so rudely that they turn around and go back.

And in America they have these places called food banks. Your fat ass can get all the food you want for free on top of your welfare. Remember in the US and A being a fucking lard ass is considered a disability. Although sometimes hereditary, Your problem I believe is ramming your face full of doughnuts for the last few decades. And in other news Krispy Kreme just opened up 4 new restaurants around her hut.

1 comment:

  1. this isn't a Honduran refugee, she's a porn actress I've seen many of her nude pictures!
