Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Sydney River McDonalds Murders

 Sydney River, Nova Scotia- May 7th, 1992. Three friends who claimed that they only planned on robbing a McDonald's restaurant ended up murdering 3. They permanently disabled another one. In 1992 it was one of the highest profile murders in Canada. One of the murderers actually worked at the McDonald's. They shot and stabbed their victims.
  The killers said they didn't want to hurt anyone just thought it would be quick easy money. Might as well take some fries too. The idiots thought that they would get over 200k. They left the joint with only 2,017. That is like a yearly wage now a days in Nova Scotia.

Derek Wood- 18-  Worked at the restaurant and left the back door ajar earlier that evening with a back pack. Sentenced to 2 life sentences. Parole denied in 2015. The staff at McDonald's didn't really like him He was also the first to break down to the pigs.
Freeman Daniel MacNeil- 23- Sentenced to 25 years and is still currently in a maximum security prison in New Brunswick. Exactly where that wad of cum his mother should of swallowed belongs. Unemployed.
Darren Richard Muise- 18- Got 20 years. Received full parole in 2012. Had martial arts skills and he claimed that he needed the money so he could get to Vancouver to work for the Hell's Angels. Lol yeah fucking right. After being paroled he moved to BC and is forbidden to ever go to The Sydney area again.

Victims- All 4 were shot in the head.
Jimmy Fagan- 27-  Arrived by taxi at 1 a.m to start his overnight shift. MacNeil shot him dead and the three boys walked over his dead body to leave the restaurant.
Donna Warren- 22- Warren was forced upstairs by Wood and opened the safe to get his $2,017. Then he shot her in the head.
Neil Burroughs Jr.- 29- A married father and maintenance worker was upstairs cleaning sinks when wood came up and shot him in the head. When he fell to his knees Muise stabbed him in the neck and then MacNeil beat him with a shovel handle. Then a second shot to the head. That gruesome kill alone should of got them all killed via torture.
Arlene MacNeil- 20-(No relation to Freeman) Left permanently disabled by a gun shot wound to the face. She passed away in 2018.


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