Monday, July 16, 2018

Somali Rapists Minnesota

A few questions here. Who was the Einstein that gave that guy a licence? Who is the fucking moron that hired him? What the hell is he doing in Minnesota one of the whitest states in the US (hence how it use to have a low crime rate)? Why the fuck isn't he living in a cow shit hut in Somalia with flies all over him waiting for UN handouts? His people already fucked up their country now they are here to fuck up ours?

Citizens upset in Wilmar, Minnesota because Somalis go to Walmart and shit in public in the aisles and just leave it there

“They’re taking over the whole damn town. Downtown Willmar, beautiful downtown Willmar? My rear end. You guys gotta get your blinders off, gotta quit squintin’ your eyes. You gotta start figuring this stuff out. They’re chasin’ girls down, chasin’ blonde-haired, blue-eyed girls down, three, four Somalians at a time, chasin’ em down, callin’ em every name in the book. They take, in Walmart, they take a dump in the aisle, the women do, and then they walk away. They do it at the clinics. I’ve seen this, I’ve witnessed it, and stuff, you know. They’re very offending.”
Them there garbage bags that they wear. Are they equipped with air freshener so they do not make white people sick with their smell along with their looks. If it has air freshener does that make them disappear?
Do I go to your shithole country and wave our flag? Why are you waving it you obviously are not proud to be Somali. Lets say you think you are proud to be a smelly Somali. Show your pride and move back there and yell it loud and proud. But you won't your pride is a false hood. Deep down inside you know you are from the shittiest race to walk the face of the earth. I know it, you know it, the whole world knows it. But hey prove us all wrong and grab your family and go back.
I hope the cold weather the mid west US is getting freezes them all to death. Easier to ship them home hard than fighting limp. They will smell just as bad just hard as a rock.

And big black bubba gump be saying hello to a mosque near your ass soon.

Somali muslims march, threatening kidnap and murder, through white liberal Minnesota neighborhood LINK

 You wanted diversity liberals now you have it

A mob of up to 30 young Somali MUSLIM men paraded through one of Minneapolis’ more upscale neighborhoods last week, yelling disparaging comments and threats against homeowners. A female resident of the neighborhood related how she was screamed at by a Somali man who threatened to kidnap and rape her.  omali Muslim gangs in Minnesota are a constant threat

No hate-crime charges are apparently being considered by either the Minnesota authorities or the Obama Justice Department headed by Loretta Lynch.

Police were called to the scene on June 28 about 9:30 a.m. and are investigating the incident as a potential case of terroristic threats. No arrests have been made, and the Minneapolis media appear to be largely uninterested in reporting on the mob threats. <SNIP>


Why are these sick fucks allowed in any white nation? They are fucking animals. We are the victims they aren't! They fuck up their own country then come and fuck up ours. Thanks stinky heartless Jews!
Somali Affirmative Action Cop FINALLY Charged in Justine Damond Murder—Minneapolis Police Continue Cover-Up Justine Damond had called police at about 11:30 p.m. to report a suspected rape in progress behind her south Minneapolis apartment. A squad car responded, but as Damond approached the car in her night clothes, Officer Mohamed Noor fired across his partner, Matthew Harrity, killing her. More
Who lets them in? Jews. White people don't want them.
A 22-year old Somali refugee who has only been in the U.S. for three months is facing 30-years in prison for raping a woman on a bus.
We can’t properly vet these people.
 A Minneapolis man is being charged with criminal sexual conduct after being accused of raping a woman on a bus passing through Crookston Friday,” according to the Crookston Times.“Mohamed Harir Ayanle, 22, was released from the Northwest Regional Correction Center Monday on a $5,000 bond and on the condition that he does not leave Minnesota,” the Timesreported.According to the criminal complaint filed with the Minnesota 9th Judicial District Court in Polk County, the suspect “just moved to Minnesota on September 22, 2016 from Somalia.”Breitbart News contacted the Crookston Police Departmentand asked whether Ayanle spoke English, whether he arrived under the federal refugee resettlement program or a different immigration program, and for details on his current visa status, but did not receive a response.Breitbart News also contacted Catholic Charities of St. Pauland Lutheran Social Services, two of the largest resettlement agencies based in Minnesota, and asked if either had helped to resettle Ayanle, but did not receive a response.“According to the court complaint, the Crookston Police Department were dispatched to 2200 University Avenue – the location of the Crookston Inn & Convention Center – on a report of criminal sexual conduct on a Jefferson Lines bus traveling from Minneapolis to Grand Forks,” The Timesreported:

Anyone who wants this scum in here hates children and women. Liberal voters and jews. Anyone who voted for Obama and Trudeau is as guilty as a child molester. They should all face execution. Period!


Why the fuck would you want to act like you are a nigger? Niggers don't even want to be niggers. This scum is lower than niggers.

Justin Timberfag
IF THEY are male they are likely to be wearing shorts 15 sizes too large that barely grip their hips. Their hair might be shaved close to the scalp in a style called 'butt-fade'. The girls prefer boiler-suits, probably with one shoulder-strap left undone, perhaps with a little padding in the seat. These are white teenagers in America and they have one common goal: to act and look black.
They are a disparate group, some taking their quest as far as exclusively dating blacks and immersing themselves in African-American history while others just buy the requisite gear. They have attracted a social label that some are happy to espouse and others not at all. They are the 'wiggers', the new class of white blacks, and they may be the pop culture trend of the Nineties.
The wigger uniform of baggy shorts and T-shirts, usually accompanied by a cap worn backwards or at a cocky tilt and basketball shoes, can be found modelled by kids in shopping malls across the country - especially those in well-to-do, white neighbourhoods. The clothes are also dominating the back-to-school racks this month in K-Mart and Gap. And then there is the music all wiggers listen to and buy: the black urban street-beat of hip-hop and rap. MORE
Those other 2 homos on the outside look like native chugs to me. You must watch out for these guys on the playground they are crazy mother fuckers. I heard one of them skipped school once and had a sip of beer. Now thats flat out gangster.
This is probably Justin Bieber's grade 4 picture. That shirt I bet was actually white and then his over weight mother threw it in with her over sized pink panties.
Now I know why the doughnut shop closed in town I always blamed it on the cops. Ladies he is single I imagine. He probably has a chance with Rosie Odonell still.
How many hairs do you think this kid has on his balls. His parents must be mentally retarded.
Look at that cool trailer back there that one probably lives with in his mom. NOW that be gangster. Word.
I bet niggers laugh at these guys. If niggers laugh laugh at you you are lower than shit of a dog shit.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Milwaukee Problems

Looks like Kanye West gain some fucking weight. In this story it is the white woman's fault. This is what happens when you date niggers. Any woman who dates a nigger will never have a life. This women was older. But a high school girl will never ever be married or have real kids or a family. AIDS abuse are a package deal with a nigger.
Above there that nigger is Kehinde Afolyan. It looks like a field model cotton picker. Kehinde is from Nigeria. Kehinde has no respect for America or white people. The groid stabbed a 62 year old wheel chair bound woman to death in Milwaukee. The log of shit faces up to life in prison. Which is still better than living in Nigeria. He will still be surrounded by other niggers in prison but will have white society things. Not mud huts and cattle shit to eat. He will still probably bath in urine though.
Although no white man would of ever dated the white woman since she was ugly. To a negro she would of been a super model.
They are getting really kill happy in Milwaukee lately. Must
be something in the water or fried chicken there.
Jeffrey Dahmer was from Milwaukee and he ate gay niggers and kept them in his freezer.
Walter E. Ellis (June 24, 1960 – December 1, 2013), also known as the Milwaukee North Side Strangler, was an American Serial Killer.
A double murder suspect who was on the FBI's most wanted list has been arrested in Texas six months after going on the run.
Terry Strickland was arrested in El Paso, Texas, on Sunday more than 1,000 miles from where he is alleged to have shot two men dead in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in July. 
The 24-year-old was apparently seen opening fire on at a house in the city following an argument. Police discovered the bodies of the men, aged 38 and 39, afterwards. 
I don't know about you. But if a bunch of police officers came up to me and told me to stop, carrying weapons, I would listen. Niggers think they are exempt from the law. They blame whites for their monkey like behaviour. It is so obvious that these creatures are worthless to society. Unless they play in the NBA or pick cotton what good are they for anyone?
Black Lives Matter? Nigger lives do not matter to these creatures. They use the sign to scam and lie to the system. They only care about free whitey hand outs. Remember the more niglets they shit out the more food stamps they get so they can sell them for crack.

The way the niggers deal with law enforcement they should be holding up these signs.
They are killing themselves. They are better off poisoning their fried chicken. I mean ours that they stole.

Why doesn't the paper just call them niggers? Imagine the smell of all those apes there it must just fucking reek. 
This young nigger is not in jail yet or dead by a drive by. What a shock. He can not even put his hat on the right way what makes anyone think he can operate the gun?
Rich white people should give you money why? So you can rob them for more later? Where are Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, Denzel, and that worthless nigger Jamie Foxx? They should give you money. Oh wait they are niggers too they know you will just fuck it up.
My son Trayvon did this. WORD FOOS.
I imagine this nigger misspelled the word "Fair" He meant FREE. Niggers do not like to work. They want handouts. If whitey was really as bad as they say they would all go back to Africa. But they know they can not survive with out white people.

And niggers wonder why cops avoid them.
Planet of the apes auditions started early. None of them made it though. One died of AIDS, the other got capped in a drive by, then the last got his dick ate off and bled to death from raping a dog. It was a female dog so that doesnt make the nigger gay.

My guess is this nigger stole a kid from china town. Then used a computer at the library (with the help of an elderly white librarian). Made up a bogus story to get money for crack and fried chicken.