Tanya is 32 Michael is 22. They raped and murdered a 27 year old kindergarten teacher in their hometown of Sarnia, Ontario.
They were interested in rape play and Tanya had fantasies about being raped. She liked knife play and cutting. She wrote stories about sexually assaulting teenagers and wanted help to fight her sex addiction. MacGregor claimed that he could be talked into doing anything. He claimed he had a high sex drive as an excuse. Hmmmmmm so he is like every other male that walks the planet.
Oddly enough Tanya Bogdanovich had a boyfriend and 3 children at home. The boyfriend was the father of her youngest child. She also worked as a nurse.
Eventually the relationship started to lose its flare. Tanya got mad at Michael as he was with another woman. Apparently he ignored her and was jealous as she was fucking alot of other poles also. (I wonder if her boyfriend knew? How embarrassing for him). They ultimately decided they needed more violence in their sex. " Rape has brought us together, violence keeps us together" Tanya wrote online.
Michael was a college dropout who delivered pizza.
Tanya was a drug addict who apparently was raped as a teenager in a group home. She also previously worked as an escort. She must not have charged much she doesn't look like someone anyone would pay more than a nickel for.
The Crime: Noelle Paquette a 27 year old kindergarten teacher's body was found 18 kilometres outside of Sarnia, Ontario. She was stabbed 49 times. Tanya had bought the knives for the murder at a local Home Hardware store on December 2nd, 2012.
Tanya left her nursing job on New years eve at 11pm. Noel Paquette and her boyfriend were at a house party in Sarnia that night and they got into a fight. Noelle decided to walk home. Tanya sees Noelle walking alone downtown and picks her up in her car. Noelle was seen getting into Tanya's car and then she drove a couple blocks and picked up Michael.
They take Noelle at knife point 18 kilometres out of town. Michael then rapes her. Their car then broke down. Then 2 cops spotted them covered in blood. Tanya and Michael told the cops they were into kinky knife play that went wrong. Tanya got arrested in a hospital parking lot and then Michael got arrested later in a hotel.
The Victim: Noelle Marie Paquette ( December 11th, 1985- January 1st 2013) was a 27 year old kindergarten teacher from Sarnia, Ontario. She had 4 siblings and 8 nieces and nephews.
It is cases like this why we NEED the death penalty in Canada. Those 2 sick scum that did this should be tortured to death. They took an innocent womans life. They claim to show remorse but I am pretty sure the only remorse that they have is the fact that they got caught. They would do it again.
Quotes from Tanya Bogdanovich
"You scream, I scream, We all scream rape together"
Odds and Ends
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What a bunch of fucking losers |
The victim Noelle Paquette |
According to 32-year-old Tanya Bogdanovich, she and 22-year-old Michael MacGregor were “a perfect match.” Bogdanovich fantasized about raping teenage girls and being raped. MacGregor wanted someone to help him discover his basest sexual self.
Their seven-month relationship began through a bondage website. Bogdanovich and MacGregor engaged in simulated rape, erotic asphyxiation, and knife play. But it wasn’t all sadism and sweetness. The couple had an open relationship, and attention to other partners created turmoil. Their only hope, they concluded, was to rape and murder someone.
Bogdanovich and MacGregor settled on 27-year-old kindergarten teacher Noelle Paquette in Sarnia, Southwestern Ontario. On January 1, 2013, Paquette was walking home from a party when the pair pounced. They raped Paquette, stabbed her to death, and drove off.