You know what the value of a three year old toddlers life is worth to a nigger? Three tire rims valued at $2000. That's right 3. I know what you are thinking most cars have 4 fucking tires, right? Well look at that nigger on your left do you think he can count past 2? He only has 2 paws.
To make it even more barbaric the little girl that he killed was his own cousin's child. He killed his cousin too and her other daughter who was 6.
In Huntsville, Texas he broke into the home of Evelyn Siff on June 6th, 1995 where he knew his cousin Kimberly would be but more importantly the rims for a BMW. He visited with his cousin and her 2 daughters, 6 year old Jennifer and 3 year old Ollie. Then he returned later and shot all 3 of them in the head. Stole 3 of the rims and tried to sell them later. He couldn't so he stored them at his girlfriends house.
Since Toronto is a stupid nigger he got caught. He blamed it on some Jamaican guys . But yeah good try bootlips. He finally admitted it and was tried as an adult and sentenced to death on Nov 20th, 1995.
Apparently Toronto use to be a proud BLAX man in a gang and he sold crack and he openly displayed this. Really going places in life people wonder why the cops are always shooting niggers.
FINAL MEAL: Is it really hard to figure out what the nigger ordered? Why a healthy salad. No just kidding it was 6 pieces of fried chicken of course, biscuits, jalapenos, cake..... Fucking joke little Ollie, her mother Kimberly, and sister Jennifer never got a final meal why should this Alabama windchime.
FINAL WORDS: Amazingly not a mothafuka, muh dik, or craka at all
"I am sorry for the pain, sorry for what I caused my friends, family, and loved ones. I feel a great deal of responsibility and guilt for what happened. I should be punished for the crime, but I do not think I should die for a crime I did not commit."
Just alot of lies he is only sorry he got caught and he feels no guilt at all.
Toronto Tidbits- Wore gang colors to school. One of those guys you know is destined to get capped.
- Once shot a mac 12 gun at one of his friends. Now that's gangsta!
- Sold crack to an undercover agent in Dallas
- Blamed the crime on 2 Jamaicans. Which is strange usually niggers blame white people.
- Known in prison as Tonto
- Bitched and whined to get off death row with appeals but they killed the nigger anyway
Here is a blurb of some of his whine wanting people to feel sorry for himJune 7, 1995, at the tender age of (17), I was arrested in Dallas, Texas on the charge of Capital Murder. Before the year was out, I was tried,convicted, and shipped off to this madhouse known to us as; Texas Death Row. While I was trying to adjust to my new environment, politicians were passing laws that would speed up the process in which they execute.
In light of this, I, like many other death row inmates were forced to aggressively seek assistance from friends and family. But being new to death row, it was nearly impossible to organize friends I didn't have. Therefore, today I am still in search of sincere friendship. Perhaps this quest will be never ending.
Outside of my need to establish friendship, I've begun entertainging thoughts of creating a defense fund for t he purpose of obtaining adequete legal representation. Yet, I must also come up with creative ways to generate funds. Therefore, I have begunto write a book as a means to generate some kind of funds.
With these words, however brief and however unorganized, I hope to receive letters of support from any and everyone who may be concerned. In Struggle! - Toronto Patterson.