Monday, January 6, 2014

Richardson Family Murders

Richardson Family Murders
This case is one of the most horrific and sick cases I have ever heard about. It is cases like this that really wants me to see the death penalty in Canada.
  Marc Richardson (42), Debra Richardson (48), and their 8 year old son Jacob were stabbed to death in their Medicine Hat, Alberta home. Jacob's 6 year old best friend discovered the bodies. Marc and Debra in the basement and Jacob in his bedroom. When the bodies were found police noticed that their 12 year old daughter Jasmine was missing. At first it was suspected that she was abducted. But the next day she was arrested with her 23 year old boyfriend Jeremy Stienke in Leader, Saskatchewan. And NO that is a not a typo this sick fuck 23 year old was dating a 12 year old girl. Apparently the motive for them to murder Jasmine's parents was for some reason her parents disapproved of their 12 year old daughter dating a 23 year old man.
  Before the murders Stienke was drinking beer, wine, and snorting cocaine.
  Stienke entered the Richardson home through a window in the basement. Debra Richardson hears a noise and goes down to check it out and turns on the light and sees Stienke there with a knife. Stienke grabs her then she yells and he stabs her repeatedly yelling " Die, die, die, die."  Then Marc came down.
  Marc Richardson fought for his life with a screwdriver, but was stabbed over 24 times including 9 times in the back. Marc's last words to Stienke were "Why?" and he replied "Because your daughter wanted it this way".
    Bloody handprints were smeared all over the basement walls. Jacob was found lying in his bed soaked in blood with his throat slashed wide open.
  Stienke apparently even tried to recruit friends to assist him with the murders. They declined. A man named Jordan Attfield even testified against Stienke in court saying Stienke asked him to help and when he refused to help him Stienke threatened him.
  After the murders Stienke was boasting to friends that "He gutted Jasmines parents like fish"
  After the murders also Stienke and Jasmine went to a friends house to have sex.

Jeremy Allen Stienke: Jeremy Stienke is a weird character. He has now changed his name to Jackson May. An unemployed high school drop out who apparently he told his friends he is a 300 year old werewolf who likes the taste of blood. (Sounds like a real winner) He even carried a fucking vial of the stuff around his neck. Rumors have it that he met his girlfriend on the website Vampire Freaks, others have said that the two met at a punk rock show.
  His mother Jaqueline May did not expect a first degree murder conviction and actually wept in court while holding a bible. (Really?)

Jasmine Richardson: Many believe that Jasmine was more an instigator in the crime than her boyfriend Jeremy. It is hard to believe that a 12 year old girl could have such influence over a 23 year old man. But then again it is pretty amazing that a 23 year old man would be so fucked in the head and desperate to date a 12 year old girl. But then again this is a man who thinks he is a werewolf and a vampire. Police even uncovered internet communications between the two of them with her posting " I have a plan it begins with me killing them and ends with me living with you". And it was Jasmine who plunged the knife in her 8 year old brothers stomach while he cried that he is too young to die. Then classy Jeremy went and slit his throat.
  Her heros on her myspace page were Jeffrey Dahmer and Marilyn Manson. On other sites that she frequented she claimed to ba a bi-sexual wiccan.
  She is now free and attending Mount Royal University in Calgary, Alberta. Even has a part time job.

Kacy Lancaster: Accesory to murder as she was with Steinke and Richardson when they were arrested in Leader, Saskatchewan.

Legal outcome:  Jasmine Richardson as of this day is a free woman. And attended classes at Mount Royal University in Calgary, Alberta. She is believed to be the youngest person ever in Canadian history convicted of multiple murder.
Jeremy Stienke: Steinke admitted to the murders to an undercover officer while in custody. He even said to an undercover cop wearing a wire "You hear about that triple homicid? You're looking at him.... Me and my lady have become legends".
 On December 15th, 2008 Steinke was sentenced to 3 life sentances of first degree murder and will eligible for parole in 25 years.

Letters between the two in jail.

Stienke to Jasmine

"I love you more than life its self, I've added you to my visitors lists so once your released please visit often. Never forget how much I care or that I love you. We can keep writing each other till we can be together again. Without you this life isn’t worth living… U said you want to get engaged? Then here's a Q...Will U marry me? If so then it is a verbal agreement!" [sic throughout].

Jasmine to Stienke

"Ahahaha! I never thought I'd find myself hystericaly laughing in a holding cell in these kinds of circumstances...or ever really. But still! ahaha you make me so happy! Yes! Yes! I will, I would love to… Interesting information I came across. Anything you can say to anyone, including a phycistrist, unless issued by a lawyer can be used against you! For fucks sake. Rawr. The world really is against us." [sic throughout].

Lots of remorse shown there. They broke up in prison what a shocker.

Older Videos But I thought I would post them anyway.
Looks more female in that pic than she is. He will love getting butt raped in jail. I hope the scum dies there.

Marc and Debra Richardson

Friday, January 3, 2014

Michael Thornton and Janeen Snyder

Michael Thornton and Janeen Snyder
Michael Thornton
Michael ForrestThornton (born 1955): was a business man who owned hair salons in Rialto, California. Thornton was accused of molesting a 6 year old girl. He has a son from a previous marriage. And a daughter with his second wife Pamela. Thornton was physically abusive towards Pamela often strangling her and even putting a gun to her head and threatening to kill her. He was also abusive to his son and his daughter.
Janeen Snyder

Janeen Marie Snyder (born: Sept 26th,1979):  Janeen Snyder was a run away prostitute meth addict. Her mother kicked her out of her house when she was 15 for sleeping with her boyfriend.
Crimes:  Thornton and Snyder met in 1996 when Thornton's daughter (then 16) wanted a friend (Snyder) to move in with them as she had nowhere to go as she was a meth addicted prostitute. Which worked out perfect for Michael as he loved meth and sex with young girls.
 They targeted young girls as to Michael's sick sexual fantasies. Janeen was used as bait to lure the girls in so they could both sexual exploit them, rape them, then kill them.
Murder of Jesse Kay Peters

  On March 26th, 1996 the first murder occurs. Jesse Peters is the daughter of Cheryl Peters, who worked for Michael Peters in a hair salon that he owned. One day in a heated argument with Michael Thornton Cheryl Peters quit her job on the spot taking other hair dresses along with her. Angered by the event Thornton scopes out the Peters house and gets Janeen to lure Jesse out of the house, into the car, and then over to his house.
  Once they got Jesse to the house Thornton handcuffed her to the bed and raped her as Janeen watched. He then took her to the bathtub and drowned her. Then hacked her up into containers and then hucked her body into the Pacific Ocean. Thornton's wife even testified against him saying that he had heard him say he had killed a young girl and dumped her
remains in the Pacific Ocean.
  Thornton and Snyder have never been charged in the death of Jesse Peters. Jesse Peters Charly Project.

Murder of Michelle Curran

  In 2001 5 years after the murder of Jesse Peters the duo heads to Las Vegas, NV and finds Michelle Curran. Janeen talks to Michelle gains her trust and tells her to come into a vehicle where she can not leave as Thornton tells her he has a gun. They kept her for several weeks molesting her. After awhile they felt she had to go. They found a horse ranch in Ribidioux, California. They found a room with ropes and tied her up. Then Janeen shot and killed Michelle. Her nude body was discovered almost a week later with a bullet hole in the head.

Prison Information: Michael Forrest Thornton was admitted into San Quentin on 09/13/2006
Janeen Marie Snyder is in Chowchilla Woman's Facility. They have both been sentenced to death.



Other Notes: This is just beyond me. This woman is on death row and they allow her to have a dating profile let alone use a computer? Beyond me. I found this profile while googling her name.
Michael Thornton must be getting fed well on death row. Check out the pic below he is a fat fuck. Sadly is he probably eats better than most people I know. They should starve death row inmates so the look like little African stick negros.