Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Forensic Files Season 1 Episode 7-10

Episode 7 Legionnaires Disease
1976- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania- 180 Legionnaires from across the US got pneumonia like symptoms and fevers up to 107 degrees. The coroner described their lungs as looking like Brillo pads. This at the time was the largest and most expensive medical mystery investigation in US history.
  Most who got the disease were over 50 and were smokers. It killed 34 people. Pretty shitty episode to be quite honest with you. I was assuming some towel head or nut job poisoned them.

Episode 8 The Wilson Murder

1992- Huntsville, Alabama. Betty Wilson returned home after her AA meeting and found her husband, Jack dead on the floor next to a baseball bat covered in blood. Although he was stabbed in the abdomen and his telephone line was cut. Oh yeah Jack shit in a bag too.
  Wilson was a 55 year old optometrist. Betty and Jack were both previously married and each had 3 children. Thing is Jack may of been "Whacked" as an informant said he over heard someone say they had to lick a doctor in Huntsville a few days earlier.
  James White a handy man/druggie/boozer living in a trailer was offered to kill Wilson for 5k from Betty Wilson and her twin sister Peggy Lowe.  She probably wanted his 6 million dollar estate just a wild guess. That or got tired of cleaning up his shit bag. She always had other affairs.
  Betty Wilson was sentenced to life in prison for Capital murder.
  Peggy Lowe got off scott free.

Episode 9 Deadly Neighbors
1987- Phoenix, Arizona- Young kids in a Phoenix neighborhood start getting Leukaemia and an astounding rate. It was caused by an electric plant thing. I thought it was common sense to not live near those. I have lung cancer and I only smoke 3 packs a day for 40 years. I don't get it.
  This is just as shitty of an episode to me as the Legionnaires one. Maybe it is your cup of tea.

Episode 10 Insect Clues

  Between 1985-88 18 women were chocked, sexually molested, and left for dead in the California desert. He always used the term " I am only going as far as El Centro". He killed a druggie hooker named Sandra Swick in San Diego. It took the cops 3 years to get a description of the vehicle. A silver honda. It was seen after an officer found a woman lying in the woods and the car driving away. Ronald Porter (a mechanic) was driving the Honda but denied the other attacks of the other 3 years.
  Tire tracks at some of the crime scenes were similar to the spare tire in Porters car. Also his boot prints in his aparment were similar to some found near the scene. By the time they could arrest Porter the statute of limitations had ran out on some of the assault cases. But not the murder case which they had shit evidence on.
  Finally it was insects that got his ass.

Next- Season 1
Previous- Season 1 Episodes 1-6

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