Tuesday, March 26, 2019

DB Cooper

  Ah DB Cooper. I am pretty sure that everyone has heard of this guy along with all the theories and claims of who he was.

  On November 24th, 1971(Thanksgiving Eve) a man boarded a plane in Portland, Oregon heading to Seattle, Washington using the name Dan Cooper. It became known as DB because of a misunderstanding and just stuck. Now for all you young kids out there years ago there was no hard core airport security. That all occurred when some fucking idiot decided to allow Muslims to fly let alone come to our countries. Any way. You could pay cash and walk on a plane with garbage bags full of Blow and they probably would barely bother you. On the plane DB had a smoke and drank some bourbon. No smoking on planes now and drinking most airlines cut you off after 2 even if you aren't remotely buzzed.

   While DB was in the air he called over a stewardess and handed her a note. She showed it to the pilot and it demanded $200,000 in unmarked bills (the cops did micro film them all though) and 4 parachutes.
  When the plane landed in Seattle all passengers left the plane except DB who was sitting in the back. The passengers were absolutely clueless of what was going on until they got off the plane. He then told the pilot to open the back gate and jumped out with the money in a storm.
  When the FBI investigated the plane they found 66 unidentified finger prints, DB's clip on tie, and 2 of the 4 parachutes.
  Alot of people think that DB never survived and died in the jump. I think he did. Here are some reasons why. A young boy found a small amount of cash on the Columbia River bank outside of Vancouver, Washington in 1980. It was shown to be some of the ransom money. Sure some could of fell when he made the jump but it would of scattered more one would think. He could of stashed it. Or he could of lost of all of it and someone found most of it and missed some of it. I mean who the hell is going to report to the cops that they found a few grand in the woods? Jesus himself would keep the money.

If I were to really guess I would say that DB Cooper was Richard McCoy Jr who was killed in a shoot out with FBI agents. He was in jail serving a 45 year sentence for the hijacking and escaped before being killed. He pulled a similar stint where he hijacked an Airplane in Denver. Also handwriting experts believe that McCoy wrote the Cooper note.
  Who in their right mind is crazy enough to try this twice and looks like the description of DB Cooper. It would make sense that DB lost the money the first time and didn't want to fuck up the second time as McCoy asked for $500,000.
  Lots claim to know who else did (like almost 30 plus) it but I am willing to bet all are just looking for a quick buck. It has to be McCoy. Like the I 70 Killer who I believe is Herb Baumiester. These are 2 cases I am almost certain should of been solved. Both guys are dead and it happened so long ago that we may never know the real truth.

Tid Bits

  John List who murdered his whole family in the 70's was once considered a suspect.


Above is a Belgian Comic book about a fictional Canadian Pilot in the 70's that some believe DB took the name from.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Rachel Wade

  Rachel Wade is a woman who probably has the brain the size of a pea and killed someone whose probably wasn't much bigger.  You see in April of 2009 in Tampa, Florida Rachel decided to stab Sarah Lundmann with a butcher knife. Now usually when a white person commits a crime like this there is some reasoning behind it. Here like all crimes a nigger was involved. But surprisingly not directly. I am assuming the nigger infected them with the crime virus along with the HIV that they probably both got from it.

 So Rachel was dating some negro buck named Josh Comacho or whatever and then like all negros he was unfaithful and started dating Sarah. At least you know they are both animal lovers. Josh Comando already knocked up some other woman and of course didn't pay child support for it. Probably looking at Rachel and Sarah to spread his HIV. See Niggers do share. Don't ever say I don't say anything nice about the stinky fucks. To boot the Baby's of Cupaco's shitlet punched Rachel in the face once and she never pressed charges. Probably got punched in the face for the numerous confrontations with curious george Compooco. She had to deal with the police in six different occasions for harassing buckwheat Cumacho. I bet the cops had a pool on what would eventually happen to her.

  Josh Copando was your typical pavement ape. Smoked his weed and tried to look as ganster as possible in the photos of him. Even with a fucking stupid tattoo and long greasy hippy hair. Rumors have it there is more oil in his hair than in the Middle East. I don't know if that is true but people have said that when he goes to KFC to get chicken he dunks his head in the chicken grease trap.
If Michael Jackson and Prince had a butt fuck love child it would look like Comacho.
   Rachel would constantly harass Sarah for stealing her pet monkey away. Harassing her with threatening phone calls like kids do in grade 3. In one message that Sarah actually recorded and was heard in court Rachel said " I will fucking murder you". That's gangster Josh Cumchapo must be rubbing off on her.

   Although Rachel killed Sarah they are both guilty. Bestiality is a horrid crime. In reality they both already have been sentenced to death just by associating with the groid whether it is HIV, single motherhood with a criminal niglet, or a bystandered in a monkey drive by shooting or pooping.

  Rachel claims the stabbing was self defence. If she had a pocket knife outside I could see it but most people don't take butcher knives with them when they leave the house. Unless there was a chicken farm near by and she wanted to slice up a chicken and feed it to Josh Cumkako to try to win his black negro heart back.

  So is Rachel Wade guilty? I really don't fucking care anyway. Her life was over the second she started hanging out with the boon no love lost here for either of them. A jury found her guilty and sent her to 27 years in a Camp Muff Dive.
  So like the saying goes. Burn the coal, pay the toll. 

  This case has appeared numerous times on TV shows like Snapped and Vengeance Killer Lovers, to name just a few.


Rachel Wade before the monkey

Rachel Wade while dating the monkey
Looks like a cheap skid row hooker there.
I have HIV now
Jerry Curl Style
The Compaco Curls get all the coal burner girls,
If they say no, I rape dat ho.
Victim Sarah Ludemann Burned Coal and Paid the Toll
Someones death is never funny but girls stop dating niggers. Sure there are crazy white men out there too. But at least there are sane ones too. I bet Compico is laughing about it and probably made a rap song about it already looking for his next victims. These 2 white women combined don't even weigh the whales that most groids go after.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Canada Invasion

Obviously that above picture wasn't taken in Canada but it should be.

I don't know what 7-11 or driving a cab pays but it surely can not afford all those children. Guess whos paying for it? YOU and forever. Then they are the crack head fucks that break into houses and steal your shit. Stil want this scum here? Trudeau wants them here they are the only ones that will vote for him.

Some of these muslims and or niggers that come to Canada as I assume happens everywhere else claim to be 12. Some are as old as 30. But then again if the people are stupid enough to let them in they are probably to stupid to figure out their age.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Nashville Problems

This ugly nigger business man had his business shut down from the evil racist police.


Sunday, March 17, 2019

Funny Pictures 11

This is how bad niggers whine it is just fishing for a reason to yell racist and have people feel sorry for them.  Before you read what people wrote that picture on the top with the phone is not racist. Sure he looks like an ugly groid who probably stole that cell phone and took the picture in the bathroom of the house he is robbing. But the top pic is not racist. Read the comments until you see the authors post and the picture on the bottom.

Fuck is Trump racist right away after becoming president he throws a black family out of their house. That was governmanet housing too.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Islam the Religion of Peace 2

No Israel, No Islam, No Problems. World peace. Might as well keep Africa to ship the Criminals too. Unless space travel becomes cheaper any time soon.

You find the odd muslim who will not say what that diaper head above is saying but 99.9999999999% of them feel that way. Lets shut the fucking boarders and boot them out now before it gets too late.